Thank you for your interest in Temple Christian School! The links below have been provided for you to view and print the Temple Christian School enrollment information, or you may contact the school office at (434) 846-0024 to request an enrollment packet.  You will need a PDF reader to view the documents on the website. […]

Summer 2017

Summer  2017 Dear Parents, I hope you and your children are enjoying the first few weeks of summer!  It’s pretty quiet around here without the students, but there is MUCH to do as we prepare for next year! A tentative  2017-2018 school calendar is enclosed.  There may be some minor changes as we go through the […]

Summer 2017

Summer  2017 Dear Parents, I hope you and your children are enjoying the first few weeks of summer!  It’s pretty quiet around here without the students, but there is MUCH to do as we prepare for next year! A tentative  2017-2018 school calendar is enclosed.  There may be some minor changes as we go through the […]

ABC = Anything But Christianity

Buckle up, because this one is going to be a DOOZIE!  Our nation’s government schools claim that education is “neutral” thanks to the “wall of separation” between the church and the state.  However, it seems that this “separation” is between the Christian church and the state.  Read on. In 1995,  an English teacher in an […]

Just Say “No!”

I recently read an article about a Hollywood celebrity couple who, because of the tenants of their Scientology religion, will  never tell their daughter “no.”  Really?  Never?  Unfortunately, this isn’t just happening in Hollywood. There are many permissive mothers and fathers that are too tired after a hard day of work, or too concerned about […]

Inappropriate Testing

Gone are the days when students are simply tested on spelling words, math problems, and history facts.  It is very common these days to have teachers suggest to parents that their child be tested for ADD or ADHD.  If this has happened to YOUR child, do not take this lightly, parents. Know that you have […]

February 2011

Dear Parents,                                                                                                                    February 2011 Calendar Welcome to February!!!  Who knows what this month holds for us weather-wise!  Keep that hotline number handy! As you can see by the calendar, February is packed!  Enrollment is very early this year and we’re doing things a little differently and we hope that’s a help to you.  We will […]

February 2011

Dear Parents,                                                                                                                    February 2011 Calendar Welcome to February!!!  Who knows what this month holds for us weather-wise!  Keep that hotline number handy! As you can see by the calendar, February is packed!  Enrollment is very early this year and we’re doing things a little differently and we hope that’s a help to you.  We will […]

January 2011

Dear Parents,                                                                                              January 2011 Calendar Welcome back!!  I hope all of you enjoyed your Christmas holiday!  For those who were “dreaming of a White Christmas” your dream came true!!! If you don’t already, may I suggest that you put the hotline number on your speed dial?!  We still have a lot of winter left, and […]

December 2010

Dear Parents,                                                                                                                         December 2010 Calendar  I hope all of you had a restful Thanksgiving!  We only have three weeks before Christmas break, but they are going to be packed with activities!  (Only 26 shopping days until Christmas!!! J) As we anticipate winter setting in, I want to encourage you to either pick up a school […]